Wednesday, December 27, 2006

why am I single

1. I was brought up in a way and with a belief that girls are the alien creatures on this earth (my ma and my grand ma were the only two women, whom I had talked in my childhood.).

2. When I was in primary school, there were separate rows where girls and boys sit, it confirmed the belief within me.

3. When I was in high school, I chose engineering and I had 1 gal in the class of 33 boys. That was an overwhelming experience, it cemented the earlier belief and created a new belief that women probably dont exist in the direction of life I like.

4. The later thought was firmed when I went to college, where I found 7 gals in a batch of 133 boys. And I am doing a really great favour by calling them gals, my friends used to call them non-males, uncle etc.

5. I joined a place to work, and the ratio was still the same. Plus, its not recommended to flirt at your work place, forget it whom am I kidding, as if I am an expert at flirting. So, in short, another year passed just like that.

6. By, the time I landed in the land of opportunities, I had become UNFIT for dating. I didnt had a chance to get trained in
talking silly things,
smiling uselessly,
be a good listener to most trivial things,
sometimes behave servantile,

all the things a typical girl enjoys. Instead I have become quite forthright, uncapable of formal talk. I cant pretend of interest for the sake of sex. My behavior has become a result of my thought process, I have lost that power to manipulatation, and sometimes I miss it.

And now I want to pat myself for writing another honest post.

orgasms ?

A friend of mine once said, "orgasms display the emptiness of our life". It is indeed true, since only few moments are really blissful, and rest of our life is empty. And,
we keep trying to fill it up joys and sorrows. The interesting part is that the orgasmic moments are only few, or quite few and rest of the life is too long to live. So, orgasms are a stark and harsh reality of our painful life in an ironical sense.

I believe orgasm is the greatest discovery made by man (or a woman), since we cant live without it. And it is not as trivial as breathing, so it is a discovery and something indispensable, for sure. It gives us an indication, that how much bliss remains unexplored by us, and with a little effort in a direction, we can have it.

But, for most of us, orgasm is limited within those few moments. I think it is a clue to reach the state of bliss, where the orgasmic feeling can last for longer time, or lets hope forever. I am sure, there is something is like that, because that is what the purpose of our life is to explore and find out the divine, the blissful, the all pervasive, the ONE.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Why should I believe in God,
when I am responsible for my own destiny
when there is so much cruelty in the world
when Lie wins and Truth loses.
when all my pleasures are driven by materials
when I know, I have faced unluck throughout my life
when I am not afraid of anything
when I dont want to believe in something I dont see
when religion is the sole cause of so many wars, deaths and destruction
when religion takes my freedom away, which I value most
when religion seems just fictional and nothing else.
when I havent seen any magic of god with my eyes.

Still I choose to believe in god,
because I believe there is little goodness in the world, which is the glue for civilization.
because it is the only path of peace and only way to get out of the unrest of human mind.
because it gives infinite confidence, power and conviction.
because it soothes the soul
because it makes me feel secure, nothing can scath me.
because even after lot of inequalities, there is a balance in the world, everything is perfect.
because it restores humility
because I can feel it sometimes, in art, in emotions, in people, in joys, in sorrows.
because I feel the difference in me when I believe in it.
because it gives me immense joy
because it makes me listen to my heart, to my soul.
because it makes me more like a woman
because it gives me the hope to live and wait for the big moment.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Why did you do it, BBC ?

Why did you uncover indian men, like this:

Ghar ki Izzat ghar mein rahti to acha tha, now everyone knows it. Can you believe it, everyone. The non-indians you hang out with, the firang girl you were trying to hit on. Get ready, to become an object of pity.

Now, I will feel awkward to enter into bars and get pathetic looks. Never fast with strange women, now the little confidence is also crushed. After all, there is no surprise left, as soon they gonna know he is indian, they will scroll down and ... and laugh like bitches.

..... to be continued with the reactions I get from people.

Monday, December 11, 2006

a love story

there was a girl, normal girl. Not a princess, not even rich. But was pretty, was blessed. she didnt know about it, she always thought shes cursed. cause she had pimples on one of her cheek. and she didnt have money to buy those expensive medicines.

there was a guy, quite similar to me, but not me. he was a child, from within. he always thought he is blessed, cause everyone around him loved him obsessively. but he loved this girl. he had a wish, simple but he didnt want to die before doing it.
he wanted to kiss her, since he was 3.

the day came when there eyes met, and rest of the story is quite known in history. he kissed her that night. the next morning, the princess woke up and her pimples were gone, she was elated. she turned around to tell the guy, but she was shocked in horror to see him.


Monday, November 20, 2006

see saw of the life

I want to list some of the lines of songs which all of us feel so much and artists put it so truly:

1. sometimes up, sometimes down .. its the see saw of the life (vivek sharma)
2. time can bring you down, time can bend your knees (eric clapton)
3. blowing in the wind (bob dylan)
4. life is nothing, but a joke (bob dylan)
5. and one day you find, ten years have past behind you, no one told you when to run, you miss the starting gun (roger waters)
6. riders on the storm .. like a dog without a bone and.. (Jim Morrison)
7. no eternal reward will forgive for wasting the dawn (Jim Morrison)
8. All you need is love (Beatles)
9. Give me love, Give me peace on earth (George Harrison)
10. I am a dreamer, I know I am not the only one (John Lennon)
11. Woman, I will show the child inside a man (John Lennon)
12. Nobody loves you when you are down and out (Eric Clapton)
13. ?

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Aspiring cops go on rampage, molest girls

Here is the link to the article:

Some boys from village goto a forest, and grab the low lying fruits from the trees.

Water is above the drowning level, some are already dead, and rest who think they are not, ironically, have died million times.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I Confess

I stink, but not from within.
I am rude, but not arrogant.
I love to be hated, but I dont hate anyone.
I know I am a loser, but I dont bother about it.
I am shy, but not through eyes.
I know I am an actor, but I love to play depressed characters.
I have a cute smile, but I love to cry.
I know I am tasting dirt, but I love to watch stars.
I love to be alone, even when I am surrounded with people.
I prefer unexpected defeat over expected victory.
I love to go down and then show that I am not out.
I know my life lacks joys, still I long for peace and not joys.
I know I am not going to win, but I want to die as a hero.
I am broken, and I need you.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Give me Love

Its another day of frustration. Everything I should care about is going on fine, still I feel like falling in an abyss, freefall. I feel scared and demented.

I am trying to know the reason for this, is it unfullfillment of my desires or their partial fullfillment or it is because my running after them. Not caring for the small things that matter, they look really small and I feel contempt towards them sometimes. But at times like these, I feel they are my only saving grace.

I need help, love to cope with with this heavy load. I need peace and nothing else. No moments to celebrate or mourn, nobody to hurt or embrace. But, I do need hope otherwise I will be dead before I am dead.

I wish I could be born again and dream again about the small things only, which really matter.

Love and Peace

Friday, September 29, 2006

Truth and Lies, Joys and Sorrows, and above all Life.

This post is dedicated to Buntu (a good friend of mine), it his idea, I am writing my interpretation of it.

When I was a kid, I was encouraged to be always Confident and Positive towards life. Have a good personality, be smart, have fun and live your life to the fullest. Thats how I grew up, setting up ambitions, working hard to get them, sometimes ending up across the line and most of the times, short of it. Then enjoying whenever I could, party, travel, hanging out with beer glasses on. Life was like a roller coster, ups and down, sky and ground. Carefree days, with heart warming friends, full of curiosity, jumping around, desiring to hump around. I was really a kid, not knowing where am I going. Life was cruising and I was growing.

Then came a point, I became conscious. A realization came and took all the curiosity away. In a while, all the childhood was gone. No jumping, not much of curiosity left, numbness is what surrounds. I started becoming more aware of the social set up. I started reasoning, every little thing. Why are people better to themselves, why are they nice to some people and not so to other. Why all of us are hypocrites, even though most of us hate hypocrisies, lies. Even though the curiosity was gone, hunger is still there. Hunger for natural tears and smiles, conversation about small things which matter. The longing grows and so does contempt about everything around.

Then, there is another realization, which says like contempt about everything you consider wrong or false, is not the way of living. Life is above everything, we cant rise above joys and sorrows, we cant find the truth, if there is any. We are in a train ride and our vagon stops at various stops. Some are known, some are not. And it is known, there is always beyond what we know. So, life is about the choices we make, the stops we want to get down. No stop is better in absolute terms, so even if you have missed a stop, there is another round the corner waiting to welcome you.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

My Way

How many times have I been got kicked in nuts, because of the mistakes unique to me. I wonder why am being made uniquely stupid.. why cant I not commit mistakes which most of people find it hard to commit. Why dont I change myself so that I can recieve maximum brownie points, this life has to offer me. Why dont I get dissolved in the air around me, why .. numerous whys and the answer my friend is because I want to do things my WAY.

It does not matter, how much I got or lost, but what matters is how much exploration I did and this is a metaphysical exploration. There are times when you love even the sorrows of your life, this is called loving the life and this is when you tend to respect its sacredness. Because, sorrows help you exploration of a different dimention, and being happy in a sorrowful situation is a insane state which is magical and transcendental. This is when you start to love, everything, everyone because everything is divine, including this moment. This is like living in subconscious, excepting everything around you as it is and getting dissolved in everything without loosing yourself.

This is my way of loving life and everything which it has to offer me. I am a seeker not a snatcher, am a pacifist, a rebel who wants to break the illusions. My aim is unknown, there is lot of fog wherever I try to see. I dont know whether there is any purpose of life, if there was then what if I die before completing it, I am pretty sure someone else would finish it. If Newton had not discovered gravity, someone else wud have some time in future. Hence, there is no pupose, but surely there is a way of life which is something unique to all of us. All of us have to find our way of life and dont judje anyone elses. It is a continuous process of search until we find peace, harmony, goodness, divinity in everything. For this, we have to be non-religious since every religion forces us to confirm us to a way of life. Its not that any religions path is bad, but it prevents you from the path of self discovery.

This what I mean by My Way.

ps: The title is a jazz song by Frank Sinatra.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Women and Cuisines

The two greatest desires of any man: sex and food or lets put it in a different and less conspicuous way: Women and Cuisines. There are hell lot of varieties of both out there and if we try to compare, they have interesting similarities.

The most commonly found women are womenly women. They are like deserts, cloyingly sweet, sometimes really awesome in taste (or in bed). They look damn attractive and if you didnt have one such for a while, you are bound to fall for it. All is well, if you dont want anything more. They are too predictable and they cant offer more than lot of sweet love and really pretty flesh. So is the case with desert, is only good to eat after dinner, you cant live on it like for your complete meal. So, if you want something more than physical connection, they are not a perfect choice.

The next in the category are spicy food. Its hot, sometimes really hot, and so is she: the spice girl. She may not be pretty, but is more active in bed. But, there is a caveat, its more demanding and you gotta have a taste for real spice. Most of men can afford it once in a while cause they are tough of handle or digest.

Like this, there are other categories of food and women, off which one seems really interesting to me. This is my favourite category, the women who are addictive. I would compare them with coffee, tobacco, dope or some other similar substance. They first bind with you physically, then mentally and eventually meta-physically. It starts with a passionate love, and then it goes deeper from body to mind and then comes the stage of addiction. Just like any other addiction, once you reach here, it is impossible to live without them. They counter you not just physically, but they get into your mind and its difficult to get them out. Now, they become one of the most dangerous and yet irrestible kind. They can give you orgasms and also depressions like you had never dreamt of before. Each moment with her is very sublime. These women are passionate or may be freakily passionate, whimsical at times but always interesting and either immensely attractive or repelling. They can love you by defining new dimentions of love and at the same time break your balls, harm you till any limit.

They are usually intelligent, sensitive never arrogant or shallow kind of women who most of the times command great deal of respect because of their actions and also hate because of forthrightness. Infact, there can be a subdivision in the category, depending on the level of addiction, just like we can say dope, tobacco and coffee are addictive in this order and also harmful in some order. Its easy not to fall for these women, but once you do, there is no way out to sanity. I just love this category of women/cuisine, for their power, passion and purpose.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

To kill a sacred cow

I read somewhere "sacred cows make the best Hamburgers". I dont want to go into the go into the debate of justification of eating of non-vegetarian food. But, there is some saying in Hinduism, which has been widely misunderstood and I will try to give my interpretation of it.

The saying is: "Cows are sacred and we should protect them". Its most popularly understood interpretation is that, Cow, the animal is sacred and it should not be harmed. To a free thinker, this would sound completely absurd since, off all the living animals, how come cows are sacred, why are they better than any other animal. This was the reason I never beleived in this saying and till I was a non-vegetarian, never hasitated in eating beef.

But, there is another perspective to this saying which is more implicit. It means that Cow resembles a class of creatures, which are not only harmless to you, but most of the times they are useful. We do get milk from Cows, so they have atleast one utility. Killing anyone without any reason is a sin, but if you kill someone from the category of "Cow", the gravity of sin increases manifold. Because, it is like this use the creature till you can and then slaughter it so that we can completely suck up to advantages we can gain. I got this meaning after reading "To kill a mocking bird", which also underlines the same principal. They give this idea with reference to an african american, and I am just trying to generalize it.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

And She has a boy friend ...

Dont ask me how they greet ... I turned my eyes towards this almost naked mexican babe who was having some sun... Thats how most of the love stories end ... or begin I should say ... I am coming honey to share some sun with ya.

Current Mood: Grounded and Happy ... kudos to my habit of being most happy in sorrows.

She lives on the love street ..

Well.. I am not sure about that but she works on the college ave and I am waiting outside her workplace so that she can come out and I could follow her and do something interesting .. this is like an adventure .. I have a kind of rush of blood and am not sure ... how will it turn out to be .. will definitely write about it .. I hope the atleast I get a chance to talk ..

Thats all for now ..

see u .. here is she .. gotta run ...

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Work Hard, Party Harder, And die one day

Just a thought on the popular mantra of life: Work Hard, Party Harder. It is supposed to be the buzz word among the so called "successful" people of this world. So, I completely agree with the first part, even though the second seems to be more fun. But for the sake of idealism, which I am big fan of, I would stick with the first one. But, the origin of the second part is that first one is not fun for most of the people.

From my observation, I guess we spend like 70% of our time working. So, what we try to do is to compensate for our miserable 70% of time by doing something which can make us numb, get high so that we can forget the fact that we are slaves to the system of this world. By, slaves I mean, following the set path without giving it a thought. I have done that so far and am pretty confident that I will do it until I die like anyone else and I dont know what happens afterwards.

So, the idea of partying every weekend seems to be like enjoying or mourning the occasion of either we have been excellent slaves or rather disgusting ones. In the sense of this post, both of the situations are alike, more or less.

Ideally, the mantra can be: Work Hard, Work Harder. But, it is not easy to obey. You have to believe in it and more importantly, you have to love your work. The ones who do that are the ones who are not slaves, but the ones who write their own destiny. It is not easy to identify them, they dont party, dont socialise much. They prefer to socialise with their work only, they are the champions.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

The girl with a sullen face ...

I dont know why dont women understand the greatest jewel they have is a smile, and not any shiny looking substance promoted by some well known woman. Its like a natural ornament women are blessed with but I dont know due to some reason, they dont use it, all the time. Its like wasted time .. for the giver and the taker both.

Even though the post is general but the reason I am writing this is cause I have been made uncomfortable twice by some women whom I barely know, just because may be I have had the opportunity of being hated. Well, I dont mind that cause I dont beleive in love and so in hate, I think they are signs of insanity...

So, a short post to all the women, girls who are reading it, please pass a smile atleast to acquinted people, if not at everyone. This doesnt takes anything but just spreads a goodness around you.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Another useless day of existence

dont know .. but life is not easy when your you dont get what you want. Or may be lets pur this way.. you dont want what is available.. maybe just because its available. People think you are crazy, insane, mania... But believe me the realisation of a useless day and also a useless life is not interesting. It kills you. Have you ever had a feeling of being sick of following your desires .. working for them, fighting for them and most of the times, left without orgasm.

Life is beautiful, when you can appreciate everything you can have: money, good food, sex, entertaining friends, but what if you cannot ? Here lies the challange of living in a cosmic yet real world.

It is then, you realise how useless each day has passed just embroiled in things we are not sure we like. This is what I am going through, always without love and most of the times without knowledge. I am trying hard to keep the interest going, to be other side, but a little slip and you come back to where you started from .. useless day.

Wish it doesnt comes again, more importantly even if it comes, it goes away soon ..
will continue this ..

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Women with Authority

I had to face some of these cocky creatures since yesterday. Was living in someone elses apartment in on campus graduate housing. The women basically being irrational, cant make right use of the authority, but thanks to the whole women liberation movements, which have given them lot of power these days, well not lot really, but the way they use it makes it a lot. I have my experiences to emphasis this,

At first, when "she" found out this, she said, just move out and we cant talk to you since you are not the defaulter, the person whose place I was living in is. I just asked her to be less strict with my friend. Then later, when I asked her whether I can apply for the housing now, since I am homeless for now, she said, well you have done a huge violation, so we cant offer you housing now. So, now I was the defaulter, I didnt say it to her cause I knew her rationality level.

Then she gave me 1 hr for moving out and said she would collect the keys from me from the place I was moving out. She didnt come in 1.15 hr, I was in hurry cause I had to look for a house, so I went to search for a house thinking that I can return the keys tomarrow, its not a big deal because I had already moved out.

But, the next day, when I call her, she said that she went to my place 3 times after 1.15 hrs and once before (I am not sure about that), and she blamed me for evading her. I wait for her 15 mins more than promised and she doesnt turns up and I get blamed for evading her cause she came thrice aftarwards. Women are nice creatures, only if they dont have the authority.

She asks me to pay the amount for the # of days I have lived on campus without telling the housing, thats alright. I thought now I have paid for my "violation of law", but now I ask for summer housing and she says, we cant offer you one, even though lot of rooms are vacant. Great Business sense, I must say dont take money, even though the rent is much more than the off campus one.

So, we started from my friend being defaulter and not me and ended up I paying the fine and not allowed to get housing for summer. This is not a morality question that who is the defaulter, but what people say in the beginning and what they end up doing.

I cant hope that women will gain rationality but I do hope they dont get much authority.

ps: If anyone around in NB or Piscataway has a room for rent, let me know please.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

About Me

This is the question which I am really sick of answering. They ask it everywhere: interviews, orkut, interesting women. So, I thought, lets finally try to answer this with the best honesty. I wont delve upon any acquired things like educational interests, even though I like the freedom of educational places. Not many people would agree with me, and I dont even try to do that. I will start from outside and go inside from there.

I have a body of a Man. About it, all of them are just regular masculine characterstics, with the exception of long hairs. I like masculine appearance, so I support beard and moustache, not stylish just bushy. The reason of this is may be to earn respect in academia, you need it :D. Plus, it gives an artistic/philosophical appearance, which to me is always welcome.

My heart, something which is very dear to me. It is pure and absolute feminine. I dont feel even a lil shame in this, because thats what I am. It is sensitive, warm and shy. One of my female friend had commented: I am her best budd, I guess the reason is because my heart can get in sync with most of the women pretty easily. Also, some of my interests like reading, talking, theaters and arts, are feminine (I dont mean that men dont have these interests, but I believe its more popular in women). But, I dont like shopping most of times, so there are differences.

My Mind, is sometimes a wild horse. It believes in rebellion, most of the times it is he who controls me, even though I want it to be otherway round. This is specially true, when I am weeded or some other similar influence. Most of times, I cant focus on things, which I should. My greatest desire is to tame it and give it to my soul. There are some known ways of doing it, one I know is YOGA, which is in my todo list. I think I dont know my mind, its deceptive to me and it is destabilizingly fickle.

My Soul, is I believe sincere to some limit but is clownish eventually. Its like most of the times, it is commited for any cause, but in the end, it cracks and it becomes a thing to laugh for watchers. So, it tries hard but ends being a object of mockery.

I am not sure, if it is a nice or absolutely true description, but I guess it is interesting atleast. It is interesting to dissect yourself into these four things and do some analysis. Any Comments ?

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Art of Spending Time

Summer has started, and the university is off. I am left with mediocre gpa (which I dont care that much) and lot of time. I used to get elated by the idea of free time, and now when I am into it, it doesnt feels that pleasant. I am not finding the planned things interesting enough. So, I am left with thinking about how to spend the time. I dont beleive in passing time by any activity, cause its like spending money for the sake of spending it, time is money in some terms.

So, lets not pass time, rather lets spend time. Dont do any charity by passing it, no reward will forgive us for wasting the dawn, lets talk about spending it. And you know, if you consider, time as money then you will see there is kind of perfect socialism in this world, in the sense most of us have same amount of it, except the fact that thousands of innocents get killed everywhere. So, it doesnt matters how much money or any other thing you have, it also doesnt matters, how much time you have cause in most of the cases, it is not in our hands. So, what is in our hands, the art of spending it. I am not an expert at it, if I was, I wont be bullshitting like this, nor are you cause you are reading this.

So, what to do? My experience tells me that my most usefully spend times are those which I can cherish long after that. You know, sometimes, when we get so engrossed in things, that we cant feel the joy of it at the time of doing it, we are kind of inside a sphere. We cant feel anything which is outside. But when we have done that and we are out, we cant think of anything but that thing. Doing those things, most of the times is what I call Art of Spending Time. My these things are: Playing with Balls like Football and other ball games ;-); reading books, strange faces and obviously BullShitting.

Monday, May 01, 2006

What matters finally

Is it the numeber of times you got laid ?
Is it the number of times you got A's ?
Is it the number of times you got bombed ?
Is it whether you had fun today or not ?
Is it the journey or the destination, is an amazing journey worth a dreadful end?
If yes, is the life worth the death ?
Has it something to do with having fun, enjoy, strike a balance ?
But, then does this means dont take risks, dont follow your passions and follow a well known path ?
What are our joys coming from, is there any source or it is just an illusion ?
Why am I writing this crap, I feel sad cause I screwed up an exam today, this means considerable dip in my gpa
does gpa matters, well it might if I have nothing else to show ?
gpa is like cock, just as it is believed that you need high gpa for top universities, same it true if you want some hot woman and you depend on "it" as your sole credibility.
But, you know if you want a good research career or any other career for that matter, you can do without 4/4. And also if you want to make her come, you can do without 7' long. So, the question remains, wot matters finally?

I dont know it is like a mystery because, if it is happiness, then its not in anyones hands. Then if it is power/lust or anything similar, wot about artists who died in anonymity and are now read by everyone. What matters may be is whether you have regrets or not? I dont know I have many.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Its all about, who has the ball

Its not BALLS, its ball, the Football. It is like a way of life for me, I have seen this sport before many times, but unless you play it, you dont understand its real spirit. And my recent advent into this sport, has really got me. Even though, I dont play well, will be a gross understatement, since each time I cause 2-3 goals for my own team. That really kills me, I keep abusing myself untill the next time I play. Such is the low of this game and hence due to law of averages, its high balances its low.

It took me some time to get into the football frame of mind, it is really fast, its like you are a part of hollywood action movie, there are enemy bullets all around, there is the most treasured thing: the ball, most of the fight goes in who posses it. Yes it is a fight, it is no gentlemen's game, whosoever has the ball rules, no matter how he has it.

Injuries, my dear friend are the part of this game. This is the best part of the trip. I really like it. Each bruise makes you feel that you are alive, each extra effort you make streches a bunch of your nerves. And in the process, you realise you have so many nerves and so much of blood running inside you. This is really invigorating, welcome to the real world.

I am still struggling so that my team mates can count me as a useful member, but I am enjoying each moment of playing this game and then cherishing each moment of it afterwards.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Times of India: A Bollywood Blockbuster

A typical Bollywood Project: It has everything: an enticing women in skimpy clothes. A social reformer in a struggling state for a social cause. A good looking chap selling some banks products. And a tragic news mentioning some people have died just like that.

All of this might seem entertaining to us because being the audience of Masala Movies, we develop the taste for such spice. But, I am not sure whether the people who were somehow involved in one of these tragic news feel the same. I dont know whether the placement of the news and ads in this way is coincidental or is it a well thought way attracting more viewers. Please if you cannot sypathise with those people, dont make fun of them atleast.

It can be argued that a newspaper has to tell all the stories and their placement is according to their importance, but I dont buy it because I dont think that Wills Fashion Week and any commercial advertisement is of even seemingly same importance. TOI should put some sense in its revenue generating machine. It hurts.

I have been visiting and occasionally and I dont find such nonsense there, then what capitalist reason TOI has thought which these guys couldnt. This is the time when lot of things in India seem to change and in the hope of goodness, I hope TOI will be a part of it.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

just got deceived

This is pompeii, one of the oldest towns, supposed to be oldest roman city. I see remnants of a township: a broken amphitheatre, pieces of walls some half, some less than that. Completely deserted, but each stone is telling a story. Story of a prostitute, story of a common man, its like I have gone centuries back and I hear music: pink floyd playing echoes. The music is maddening and the surroundings are making the things worse, each guitar streak is like a dose of marijuana. I am taking pictures, the camera of which I was proud of seems to be so inefficient to capture what my eyes are perceiving. We are roaming in the streets and I see a active volcano with fumes coming out. I might be facing death but in the process am feeling alive again after few months. This feeling is invigorating. My friend calls and says we gotta move, as always time is less but they say life is long, I dont know how. We go back, we have to reach rome.

Its rome, it has the colloseum, it has museums, it has church, it has everything, I dont know why dont lucky people goto rome instead of heaven, its way too charming. With beer glasses on, I am having fun with strange and pretty italian girls. I was not so cool, well this rome, anything is possible, geeks becoming flying guys.
I wake up next to her, she has the most pretty smile, I wish to get dissolved in her. It is the highest feeling and it is at the highest place.

And the professor says: "Now we take a small break". I realise I am still in the classroom but I feel as if I have just come back, may be a part of me is still there. Is it possible that two people are present at two different places? i dont know but its definitely not a dream because I still feel inside it. May be my subconscious has flown that place leaving the rest of me here. Italy trip cannot get cheaper than this, i suppose !!

Sometimes you are so excited about anything that even before that happens, you can see it happening pretty close to reality.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

My Struggle with Myself

This is the toughest times of my life when I am struggling against myself. My body and my soul are discordent. What I believe in, I am not acting according to it, there is a broad contradiction in me, and someone who cannot stand anybody else's contradiction has to stand his own. May be it is because I am killing my natural insticts, is it worthwhile doing it? I dont know. But do I want to do it? May be Yes, for something unknown, something which is divine or sacred or cosmic or eternal. The child has to die, and the man has to come out. And this seems to be the correct time for this, things are ready and waiting to welcome him.

Is it good for me, I dont know but I know I want this to happen because the rebillion inside me has to calm down and this seems to be the only plausible state where this can happen. I am amazed by life and how it forces you to change, life is dynamic will be an understatement. Life to me is like a hiking experience, but I want to reach the peak before liberating. I want to expirience the greatest high, possibly the life can give me.

This struggle is like the struggle you have to do when you shift from a less slanting trail to the more one, so it is quite possible that the trail is endless and so is this struggle. But, I am hoping for the next minute of absolute stillness.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Bored from Life

Same old sun, same old people, same old crappy food, same old me, the world seems to have stopped. It seems that people have become machines: bunch of morons. Lets make it little interesting. Lets play with it, change it, turn it upside down.

Lets give the animals a chance to do what they want. These are some of the things they might want to do. Wot if a tiger instead of pouncing on a deer, runs away from him to save his life. Wot if people instead of running for money start running away from it and none of their activites are direced to earn money. Wot if the fireman instead of spreading water on fire, spreads kerosene. What if when it rains, it drops fire instead of water. What if being evil is the virtue and being sacred is a sin. What if hitler is the hero and Gandhi is the villain. What if we take education just for the sake of learning. What if sun doesnt rises tomarrow. What if the only things we do are love, travel and die. What if we know the secret of birth and death. What if we can swim to the moon. What if we can fly on ocean. What if ..

The changed world wont be hell, simply because this world is also not perfect. But that world might be more interesting.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

God Bless America !!

Before coming to America, I had heard of this phrase as little modified, which was: "God Bless you". This really made sense to me since it is always considered good if you wish good for other people. But, things are really different in America: they use this phrase as: "God Bless America" which means "God Bless Me". This sounds funny, it just reveals the American Principals, how much they need god's blessings despite of the fact that theirs is the most prosperous country in the world.

It seems that for Americans, America is the end of the world, I see slogans like: "I dream of drug free America". There is another slogan: "In God we Trust", you can find this at the airports and other prominent places. Again, I am used to a little different version of it: "In God we Fear". But, I guess what fits in America is "In God we trust and In Osama we Fear", its funny atleast.

All this makes me feel, that America really needs God's blessings. Hey God, please bless them with some humanity and reality!!!.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Lets just say ... i was testing the bounds of reality

The movie will begin in 5 minutes ... there is nothing new in it, you have seen it through and through, When you die there should be enough in your life to make a movie on it.

These are jim morrison's words. I am really puzzled after seeing the movie: "The Doors". It just adds to the already present fanaticisim in me.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Rubarooo ... Roshni hai

Very popular words now when Rang De Basanti has hit the screens. This movie makes you laugh, cry and in the end leaves with you with lot of fire unextinguished. Hats off to the director Rakeysh Om Prakash Mehra who had an the theme which fits perfectly in the contemporaty india and presented in a manner that the indian youth can relate to them reallistically. Its creativity at its helm, no indian youth can go untouched by it, specially Punju people in Delhi ;-).

Aamir Khan is as usual far more than perfect, his punju accent is so real, being myself a punju, I was kept laughing most of times. Not to mention other main characters were equally good and their camaradrie was something you can relate to if you have "real" friends.

Rahman, needless to say about the god of music again delivers a masterpiece. Songs are great and they are perfectly situational and also their presentation makes you fall in love with the music.

Photography like any other aspect of this movie is just perfect. The way camera has been used, the way the revolutionaries have been compared with the film characters is the thing to be seen since that brilliance cant be penned down. One liners in the movie are wonderful and Aamir delivers them in his style with his eye brows raised. The scene could be serious or comedy, this guy's skill is unmatched in delivering perfection.

A fire igniting movie is just in right time when India seems to be rising after a deep sleep of second era of slavery, now the rulers are themselves morally corrupt indians. I just read a news that a bunch of IITians are forming a political party of their own so that they can affect India. It seems a glorified era of patriotism is beginning and it feels great to be a part of it. I think India can do better than just being hub for outsourcing of American Companies both in terms of production and Consumption. But, great thing is that India will find its own identity or may be rediscover it and will not be just another developed country. It seems that India is RISING !!!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Mind Games

Mind .... I fear from it ... I love it .. I adore it ... All my pains are attributed to it .. All my pleasures are also dedicated to it but I cant discover it ... I cant live without it .. Still I think I dont know it. Lets take a look inside it ..

All what I see, I aspire, I hate or I love is because my mind dictates me do it. But I think it is a hypocrite .. cause what I loved some years back .. I dont love them anymore .. vice versa also ... Things which were trivial to me before are either magical or most precious to me .. why this is so .. why doesnt it stays on one side of the line always or why it does not reveal everything to me right now ... who is controlling it .. if it is me then why dont I feel it ...

Why it is so that things which used to hurt me, attract me, no more so are alike. Is it going in some direction, then what is the destination and why is it taking so long, or it is moving in a circle, and there is no destination and all this is crap.

How does it learns ... or may be discovers ... it is just the observations or some reasoning goes into it, does the reasoning process requires the observations ... and then develop some hypothesis ... if this is so then which observations are more significant ... how does it knows .. cause this also changes with time ... how do I know whether it is maturing or not ? Am I a slave of it or Can I be a master ..

Is it same in everyone, if so then why is everyone so different .. is the physical location important or it does not matter whether I am enclosed in a dark dungeon or in a green land surrounded by beautiful girls .. will it work better then?

Is it mind, which is bothering me or it is conscious, it is so messed .. I have no answers .. but my quest is on .. so keep checking .. I might have some answers or may be more questions and confusions.