Saturday, February 11, 2006

God Bless America !!

Before coming to America, I had heard of this phrase as little modified, which was: "God Bless you". This really made sense to me since it is always considered good if you wish good for other people. But, things are really different in America: they use this phrase as: "God Bless America" which means "God Bless Me". This sounds funny, it just reveals the American Principals, how much they need god's blessings despite of the fact that theirs is the most prosperous country in the world.

It seems that for Americans, America is the end of the world, I see slogans like: "I dream of drug free America". There is another slogan: "In God we Trust", you can find this at the airports and other prominent places. Again, I am used to a little different version of it: "In God we Fear". But, I guess what fits in America is "In God we trust and In Osama we Fear", its funny atleast.

All this makes me feel, that America really needs God's blessings. Hey God, please bless them with some humanity and reality!!!.

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