Monday, May 01, 2006

What matters finally

Is it the numeber of times you got laid ?
Is it the number of times you got A's ?
Is it the number of times you got bombed ?
Is it whether you had fun today or not ?
Is it the journey or the destination, is an amazing journey worth a dreadful end?
If yes, is the life worth the death ?
Has it something to do with having fun, enjoy, strike a balance ?
But, then does this means dont take risks, dont follow your passions and follow a well known path ?
What are our joys coming from, is there any source or it is just an illusion ?
Why am I writing this crap, I feel sad cause I screwed up an exam today, this means considerable dip in my gpa
does gpa matters, well it might if I have nothing else to show ?
gpa is like cock, just as it is believed that you need high gpa for top universities, same it true if you want some hot woman and you depend on "it" as your sole credibility.
But, you know if you want a good research career or any other career for that matter, you can do without 4/4. And also if you want to make her come, you can do without 7' long. So, the question remains, wot matters finally?

I dont know it is like a mystery because, if it is happiness, then its not in anyones hands. Then if it is power/lust or anything similar, wot about artists who died in anonymity and are now read by everyone. What matters may be is whether you have regrets or not? I dont know I have many.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

funny...u write well when u don't try.