Monday, March 31, 2008

Another season of Identity Crisis

In a more softer words, too soft and flexible. Lot of times, I didnt know that I had an identity crisis, I just lost myself. Of course, I was very rude and pretty uncomfortable. I was being the one o decide right and wrong and judging everyone. I had tough times in all kinds of relationships. I just could not take anybody's faults.

I am talking about Individualism or personality. One thing which I was trying to have and did not know what I was becoming. I used to look up to people and also look down at few. What a stark hypocrisy.

After all "we are the actors on this center stage". What a spiritual piece by Shakespeare. It fills so much tranquility into the reader when he reads it. It also tells you that no one is superior or inferior. Obviously, it can be easily disregarded in the life we lead today when we are always trying move forward inch by inch and our measure of performance is how better are we doing as compared to other fellas who are our competitors. Corporate rules should there and not get imbibed in people's life. It does most of times though, when I see my friends ditching their long term boyfriend because their parents have found someone who makes more money. Survival of the fittest. Darwin has equated humans to animals. On personal note, I believe humans lacking courage are indeed animals.

Five things I do not want to live without: Belief, Courage, Sympathy, Speech, Action.
Five thing I want to live without: Identity, Pride, Sloth, Greed, Lust.


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