Thursday, July 26, 2007

Different colours, Different nationalities, One Love!

Fifth anniversary celebration of our football group at Mark's (the guy in yellow).

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Thought of the day

Try very hard, try to give just a little short of your best, so that there is a room for improvement, always!

Thursday, July 19, 2007


You are alone
Your work is stuck in the middle, from a while.
Your soulmates are not around
You are longing for recognition, which no one gives you
You are lost and disillusioned.
But, it drizzles with a nice breeze
And you put a soulful love song
And the hope comes back, again!


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Heart, Mind ?

Would you listen to your mind and always take the most calculated decision or instead listen to your heart and wont mind going for an exhilarating ride, no matter where it is going.

Or would you listen to your senses and instincts and be wild all the time.

It all depends on how do you perceive your life as, journey or destination. Is it a celebration in itself or a quest for our desires and ambitions. I think it is a wonderous journey which has no definite answers, no rights, no wrongs. Nothing is true and nothing is false, or as shakespeare puts it: "It is a stage, and we all are enacting our roles".

Sometimes, when I try to see life from an outsider's perspective, I find it is a painting where colours are sometimes harmonious and rest of time chaotic. Is harmony is the only thing we want? Is chaos too disturbing? Does chaos lead to harmony? Is chaos the necessary phase to reach harmony?

Then, are we moving in any direction, or our lives are just like sine waves. Going up and down without making us any more wiser.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


She exists in the soul of the words, we speak.
She exists in the soul of the characters, when we write.
She can be found in the soul of the dance.
She exists in the soul of the rain drops, which fall, clouds which hover, sometimes ominous, sometimes blissfull.
She is beyond Good and Evil.
She is the Virgin (Mary) and she is the Witch.
She believes in only one rule, the rule of love.
She believes in letting go, rather than withholding.
She is the Woman, She is the God.


An inspired poem after reading "The Witch of Portobello" by Paulo Coelho.