Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Life as a Mirage

Perceptions, Hallucinations, Virtuality, Reality, who defines what is what and who is who?

Whenever I define myself, I discover a side which is not in the definition. However, there is always a difference in how I perceive myself and how others do. The perceptions give rise to biases like blacks do drugs, whites are greedy, Muslims are terrorists, I am an asshole, I have an attitude problem, yada yada yad.

Whenever we are meeting anyone, most of the time we are biased by what we have heard and learned. But, aren't these perceptions very superficial. Why doesn't we say Blacks love Jazz, they are straight from heart, lively and fun people. Why doesn't people say that Whites are the most disciplined people on earth and Muslims are the most spiritual.

Why does the negative perception dominates so much, where there is so much positivity. Why is the devil winning in our hearts? May be because of what we do in our day, what we eat and what we think. We are fueling the devil with whatever it needs: lust and greed of all forms.

So, who is in the question, Me, or you, or the guy you hate, or ...


TheExperimentalMom said...

Visiting after a long time but the post hasnt changed much:)...makes me think as always.

I think we dwell in -vity more since we are taught to be 'safe than sorry' from a very young age. if we look for +ves in people, the chances of us getting hurt are high( as we learn from the first few experiences we have in life) and we 'learn' to play safe. let's be afraid of a black guy on the street than be mugged; let's keep away from a friendly white guy lest he should have some ulterior motive behind that smile; let's not associate with muslims, lest we become suspects etc.
I wish we are taught to be fearless than safe when we are young - we would experiment more and caution less then.

Anonymous said...

Sure. Fears are something which we have to overcome to LIVE our life.