Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I Confess

I stink, but not from within.
I am rude, but not arrogant.
I love to be hated, but I dont hate anyone.
I know I am a loser, but I dont bother about it.
I am shy, but not through eyes.
I know I am an actor, but I love to play depressed characters.
I have a cute smile, but I love to cry.
I know I am tasting dirt, but I love to watch stars.
I love to be alone, even when I am surrounded with people.
I prefer unexpected defeat over expected victory.
I love to go down and then show that I am not out.
I know my life lacks joys, still I long for peace and not joys.
I know I am not going to win, but I want to die as a hero.
I am broken, and I need you.


Anonymous said...

funny, this one:)! Try being arrogant too - surest way to being hated,being a loser,looking-like a depressed,deprived soul AND you'd be left alone:P with peace n no joy!So did you sleep before or after THAT???
I tried this at times and trust me, it works like magic. ppl don't have time to find the real you and they move on leaving you free n happy like a bird:P.
Hope you had a great diwali:)!
Love n peace,

Nowhere Man said...

I didnt intend to be funny, but i guess humour is kind of ingrained in whatever I say.

I dont get peace from being arrogant, I might get lonliness but peace is something you get when your actions, thoughts and words are coherent. MK Gandhi said something like this. And even though I dont seek joy, I find immense joy in peace.

Fortunately, I can sleep normally pretty much most of the times.

Thanks for the diwali wishes and visiting this space.

Anonymous said...

Or may be, I have developed this bad habit of finding something to smile at in whatever i see.Life would be too real otherwise.
I love smiles and though found this post kinda deep and filosofical, couldn't help being myself.
No wonder, Peace remains elusive for me.No rhythm in acts, words,thoughts..sigh!
It's always nice visiting your space.Tc.

Nowhere Man said...

Well its good to be yourself. Otherwise, there will no longer be different perspectives.

"It's always nice visiting your space"
So, you visit my space often, I felt being watched, you made me nervous, my fingers are trembling.