Its not BALLS, its ball, the Football. It is like a way of life for me, I have seen this sport before many times, but unless you play it, you dont understand its real spirit. And my recent advent into this sport, has really got me. Even though, I dont play well, will be a gross understatement, since each time I cause 2-3 goals for my own team. That really kills me, I keep abusing myself untill the next time I play. Such is the low of this game and hence due to law of averages, its high balances its low.
It took me some time to get into the football frame of mind, it is really fast, its like you are a part of hollywood action movie, there are enemy bullets all around, there is the most treasured thing: the ball, most of the fight goes in who posses it. Yes it is a fight, it is no gentlemen's game, whosoever has the ball rules, no matter how he has it.
Injuries, my dear friend are the part of this game. This is the best part of the trip. I really like it. Each bruise makes you feel that you are alive, each extra effort you make streches a bunch of your nerves. And in the process, you realise you have so many nerves and so much of blood running inside you. This is really invigorating, welcome to the real world.
I am still struggling so that my team mates can count me as a useful member, but I am enjoying each moment of playing this game and then cherishing each moment of it afterwards.